
Roatan’s Most Loving Village – Garifuna, Punta Gorda, Honduras

Punta Gorda, Roatan, Honduras

I was able to spend time with my friend (er, soul brother), Bala, and explore his side of the island, learn more about his culture and experience the life I've always wished I could live. While I also spent time on the West Bay (the tourist side of the island) and boated through other parts of the East End, I hands down fell in love with both the North side of the Roatan (where the Garifuna live) and their people. The view form my room was incomparable to anything else I've ever woken up to. Their sea has barely any waves, it's calm, serene and peaceful. To me, it was Love.



When we feel like relaxing, we sit on the palabra and just be. Maybe converse, maybe not, but either way, just be free.



And, of course, enjoy the amazing view.


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