
A Lesson From the Flower

A Lesson from the Flower


"A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms." - Zen Shin

You have something within you that cannot be rivaled by anyone else in the universe; it's yours alone, and once able to tap into the magic of your own special inner-being, your creativity, success and inspiration will catapult you into the life of your dreams.
Too often we find ourselves in competition with others. What we fail to realize is that when our focus in on another, we lose focus on ourselves...and then we lose. We just lose, plain and simple.
We can't focus on becoming greater, better, stronger, more prosperous, happier, more successful, more abundant, more spiritually connected or more beneficial to this world if we are instead focused on competing with the souls next to us. 
Each individual has talents that are meant for their own purpose, which negates all focus on competition and instead inspires the necessity to push forward into divine mission & blossom with a focus on self. Yes, of course, we must know our perceived competition, that's marketing 101, but being aware of something and focusing on something are two completely different situations. We want to be aware of all things, as this will set us up for success through knowledge and understanding, but we must only focus on what truly matters, which is growing into our own most amazing self we can so we can impact this world in our own unique and powerful way.
Looking to others as competition will only take our eyes off Self. In turn, this will cause us to stumble, fall, be confused and fearful, misdirect our efforts, compare ourselves with others who have no true relation to us and distract from our own personal mission and purpose. 


There is enough space for the success of everyone, so rather than compete, we must uplift and encourage one another on this journey. 


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